If you are planning to purchase a new dining room set for Thanksgiving, you are up against it now. You need to have made a decision by this time. If you have not, then you should be very careful not to rush into something with which you will be unhappy later.
For most furniture retailers, 6-8 weeks is the time frame for getting merchandise in for delivery. You may luck out, though, if you find a formal dining set you like that also happens to be in your furniture retailer's warehouse and ready for shipping.
A couple of quick reminders if you are a last minute dining buyer:
Measure measure measure!! Getting the formal dining set delivered only to find out you can't pull out the chairs or fit the china cabinet can be frustrating.
Get what you like. Don't settle for a set just because it is in stock. In the long run you will regret it.
Put the leaf in and take it out a couple of times before the big Turkey Day dinner. Make sure everything works so that if your table needs servicing you can get it handled before the big day.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
Take Care of the Leaf
When it comes to maintaining a formal dining room set, there is one very important piece that furniture consumers tend be misguided with: the table leaf. The usual move is to lean it up against the wall in your closet, right? Wrong!!
You see, your leaf is made of wood just like the rest of the table. Over time, as you probably know, wood can warp. If you have it leaning up against a wall, there is a good chance that over time your leaf will bend and warp. Then, when Thanksgiving rolls around, you end up with a leaf for your formal dining set that either does not fit at all, or leaves gaps and warps in your table.
The best method for storing your leaf and have it maintain its shape is to lay it flat on the floor somewhere. Wrap it in a sheet or pillow case to protect it and then have it lying on the floor with the top down so that no matter the climate it will maintain its shape. Under a bed is the best place to keep it out of the way, especially if it is a piece that you use only once or twice annually.
The other option is to look for a table that offers you a leaf that stores in the table. Becoming increasingly popular, these tables have gears that allow the leaf to fold over and slide in under the table. The wood is kept from warping while, the leaf is kept out of the way, and you don’t have to worry about lugging it to and from the table every time you need 16 inches of extra space.
Though the leaf seems like a minor piece to your dining set, the reality is that when you do need it it becomes one of the most important pieces. Knowing how to store and maintain it, then, can be vital. Hopefully, now, the next time you go to use your leaf you wont have a warped piece of wood on your hands that simply does not fit.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
You see, your leaf is made of wood just like the rest of the table. Over time, as you probably know, wood can warp. If you have it leaning up against a wall, there is a good chance that over time your leaf will bend and warp. Then, when Thanksgiving rolls around, you end up with a leaf for your formal dining set that either does not fit at all, or leaves gaps and warps in your table.
The best method for storing your leaf and have it maintain its shape is to lay it flat on the floor somewhere. Wrap it in a sheet or pillow case to protect it and then have it lying on the floor with the top down so that no matter the climate it will maintain its shape. Under a bed is the best place to keep it out of the way, especially if it is a piece that you use only once or twice annually.
The other option is to look for a table that offers you a leaf that stores in the table. Becoming increasingly popular, these tables have gears that allow the leaf to fold over and slide in under the table. The wood is kept from warping while, the leaf is kept out of the way, and you don’t have to worry about lugging it to and from the table every time you need 16 inches of extra space.
Though the leaf seems like a minor piece to your dining set, the reality is that when you do need it it becomes one of the most important pieces. Knowing how to store and maintain it, then, can be vital. Hopefully, now, the next time you go to use your leaf you wont have a warped piece of wood on your hands that simply does not fit.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
China Cabinet or No China Cabinet

A china cabinet is a big responsibility. I know, that is a weird statement to make, but before you go all out and buy one, consider what you are getting yourself into. When I was selling furniture, I had more china cabinets returned than any other piece of dining room furniture. The reason is that consumers just simply didn’t consider what it meant to have one.
For one, a china cabinet is huge. Even small ones are big, and that means that they are going to take up a lot of space in your dining room. When you measure the room, actually try taping off the area where each piece of your dining set will go. Make sure that with the china cabinet in there that you are going to be able to slide chairs in and out, eat without being crowded, and move without breaking it.
Secondly, a china cabinet has a lot of glass in it. A lot of glass means a lot of cleaning. Have kids? Think fingertips. Have pets? Think nose prints. Have neither? Think dust, dust, and more dust. A china cabinet, while great for keeping your, uh, china, is also great for collecting dust.
Third, a china cabinet is incredibly hard to move. While you may have it delivered initially, what if you decide to rearrange the room or what if you decide to move? Will it have been worth it? Only you know the answer, but make sure you ask yourself that question.
Choosing to get a china cabinet for your formal dining room is a big decision. It is often the most expensive piece in the set. On top of that, it is a lot of responsibility. I’m not telling you not to get one. In fact, I have one myself. I am, though, telling you to be sure you know what you want and what you need before you run out and get it.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
Tis the Season for Formal Dining Sets

When I talk to people who have never worked in or even thought about the retail furniture business, I realize that they have no idea what the “hot” seasons are. For instance, when I was in sales (and to an extent when I was in management) I loved this time of year. This is when people start to trickle into the store looking for a formal dining room set. It’s their first year hosting the family thanksgiving or they just simply want to impress a little more this year. Either way, the formal dining sets start to move right around now.
The truth is that this actually is a pretty good time to start looking. The main reason is that right now you can find the formal dining set you want with time to spare. If there is a backorder, you want to special order, or you are having trouble finding just the right formal dining room set for your home, you have given yourself the necessary time so that card tables and folding chairs do not become your theme.
While I do want to take the next few days to talk about what to look for, how to make the right choice, and which pieces are essential for your dining room, this is just about knowing where to start.
Though I always throw out caution about buying furniture online (unless you are 100% dead certain that what you see is what you want and that what you will get is what you are expecting), the internet is actually a great place to start looking. Check out styles, manufacturers, and even look at prices before you go to your local showroom. That way, you know what types of formal dining rooms you want to look at once you get there.
Once in a showroom, take your time and take it slow. Think about what is important to you now and what will be in a few years. Look at not only the look and price, but also pay attention to the way it is built. A dining set is one of the most expensive furniture purchases you can make, so make your formal dining room one that will last and be worth the money.
Finally, take some time to think about things. Check out a variety of websites, a number of various showrooms, and even give yourself a chance to think about style of your formal dining set and which pieces you want (how many chairs, china cabinet or not, serving table or not, etc). There is no hurry, especially if you are starting now. Get as much information as you can and take your time before making a decision. Also, as always, you can always contact the furniture guy and I will be happy to help in any way I can.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
Furniture Safety III: FINALLY

When it comes to furniture safety, I truly do believe that the furniture safety strap
Corner guards
Just because you have used furniture tethers on your television stand does not mean your TV, DVD, and VCR are not going to tip and fall off. That is why a TV strap
Get a safety latch
There are obviously many furniture safety items out there that you can get. I just wanted to touch base on some that I have used and with which I have had some good experiences. Shop around, talk to people, and get a feel for what you need. Safe furniture is certainly more enjoyable furniture.
I will be back to start talking about dining rooms. Tis the season to think about those big family dinners and that new set you want to use to impress everyone.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
Furniture Safety Part II
There are a number of safety issues when it comes to furniture. For today, though, I want to concentrate on the one that is likely the most prominent as a problem: tipping or falling furniture. Whether it be a dresser, a chest, a bookcase, or a TV stand, furniture tipping over can cause injury or death in adults and children alike. However, for very little money, you can ensure the safety of your furniture.
In our home, where we do have a 1 year old running around and attempting to climb everythign in site, we have tried to make our furniture safer by installing a furniture safety strap
like these. If you don't like the way they attach, you can always look at other types of furniture straps
A furniture safety strap is a simple little strap that connects your furniture to the wall. When your child climbs the drawers of the dresser or pulls on the night stand, the strap keeps the piece of furniture upright. For no more than they cost, they are certainly worth the investment. No matter which type you prefer, you owe it to your family to keep bookcases, dressers, chests, and any other tall or heavy furniture from tipping. As you can see from this CBS report, the danger is certainly real.
Furniture should be enjoyable. So take a few minutes and make sure that yours is not only enjoyable, but also safe. When you baby proof and child proof, just make sure you remember to check the furniture! I'll be back tomorrow to wrap up the safety series with a few more ideas for getting the furniture you want, but making it safe for your child at the same time.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
In our home, where we do have a 1 year old running around and attempting to climb everythign in site, we have tried to make our furniture safer by installing a furniture safety strap
A furniture safety strap is a simple little strap that connects your furniture to the wall. When your child climbs the drawers of the dresser or pulls on the night stand, the strap keeps the piece of furniture upright. For no more than they cost, they are certainly worth the investment. No matter which type you prefer, you owe it to your family to keep bookcases, dressers, chests, and any other tall or heavy furniture from tipping. As you can see from this CBS report, the danger is certainly real.
Furniture should be enjoyable. So take a few minutes and make sure that yours is not only enjoyable, but also safe. When you baby proof and child proof, just make sure you remember to check the furniture! I'll be back tomorrow to wrap up the safety series with a few more ideas for getting the furniture you want, but making it safe for your child at the same time.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
Furniture Safety Part 1
Though I like to concentrate on the retail furniture market, I also happen to be the father of a 15 month old little girl. That simply means that the line between home and everything else I do blurs often. This is no different. I want to take a day or two here to talk about furniture safety.
Furniture safety is an issue because the Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that in 2005, more than 3,000 children under the age of 5 years were treated in ER’s in the US due to injuries associated with televisions tipping over. When other types of furniture tip-overs are thrown in the number becomes even more startling.
The answer is that when there are children in the home or even visiting a home, furniture must be made safe. How can it be made safe or at least safer? There are a couple of things you can do.
First, you can check with your furniture retailer to find out what if any testing has been done on a particular piece. Pay special attention to television stands and entertainment centers. Additionally, look at tall pieces like chests and dressers, which can also be susceptible to tipping and falling.
Secondly, once you do have your furniture purchased and in your home, you should take the time to “child proof” it. That means you must make drawers harder to open by putting child safety latches on them. Additionally, you can use child safety tethers to get them to connect to the wall to help prevent tipping.
Finally, check with baby safety websites to see what there is you can do. Look for products to make furniture safer, and try to be thorough in your furniture safety.
There is no way to make anything safe one hundred percent of the time. What you can do, though, is stay aware and do your homework.
Over the next day or two, I will research a little more and add links to sites where you can learn more about furniture safety. I will also link to some products I have used in my home or that have been recommended to me be experts so that you can find what you need to make your furniture not only beautiful and functional, but also safe.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
Furniture safety is an issue because the Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that in 2005, more than 3,000 children under the age of 5 years were treated in ER’s in the US due to injuries associated with televisions tipping over. When other types of furniture tip-overs are thrown in the number becomes even more startling.
The answer is that when there are children in the home or even visiting a home, furniture must be made safe. How can it be made safe or at least safer? There are a couple of things you can do.
First, you can check with your furniture retailer to find out what if any testing has been done on a particular piece. Pay special attention to television stands and entertainment centers. Additionally, look at tall pieces like chests and dressers, which can also be susceptible to tipping and falling.
Secondly, once you do have your furniture purchased and in your home, you should take the time to “child proof” it. That means you must make drawers harder to open by putting child safety latches on them. Additionally, you can use child safety tethers to get them to connect to the wall to help prevent tipping.
Finally, check with baby safety websites to see what there is you can do. Look for products to make furniture safer, and try to be thorough in your furniture safety.
There is no way to make anything safe one hundred percent of the time. What you can do, though, is stay aware and do your homework.
Over the next day or two, I will research a little more and add links to sites where you can learn more about furniture safety. I will also link to some products I have used in my home or that have been recommended to me be experts so that you can find what you need to make your furniture not only beautiful and functional, but also safe.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
What About Custom Furniture?
If you can afford it and it is an option for you, I think custom furniture is a fantastic idea. There are a number of furniture companies out there, usually small, that will basically make what you want to your specifics. In most cases, they are certainly worth it.
Why do I love the idea of custom furniture? When it comes right down to it, furniture is a “feel” purchase. It is something you get because of the way it makes you feel to look at it, use it, or decorate your home with it. When you buy custom furniture, you are buying furniture that will absolutely positively be what you envision and what you want.
Secondly, custom furniture is going to be better functioning in almost every case than what you would buy on a furniture retail floor. If, for instance, you are buying an entertainment center for your home, a custom made piece of furniture would fit your entertainment components more exactly in most cases. Additionally, a custom made sofa will fit your room better.
Finally, custom furniture is usually of very high quality. Since you, the customer, are choosing materials, you are helping ensure quality. Also, with the right custom furniture company you are involved in virtually every step which also helps with guaranteeing quality.
The only real drawback of custom made furniture is that you will likely find yourself spending a lot of money. When you get to choose the wood, the fabric, the size, the hardware, and every other feature of your furniture, you can expect to pay for it. For many of us, that is simply not an option. On the other hand, it may be a great way to ensure that you will have a piece of furniture that you can pass down for generations. In the end, that just might make it worth the extra few zeros on the price.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
Why do I love the idea of custom furniture? When it comes right down to it, furniture is a “feel” purchase. It is something you get because of the way it makes you feel to look at it, use it, or decorate your home with it. When you buy custom furniture, you are buying furniture that will absolutely positively be what you envision and what you want.
Secondly, custom furniture is going to be better functioning in almost every case than what you would buy on a furniture retail floor. If, for instance, you are buying an entertainment center for your home, a custom made piece of furniture would fit your entertainment components more exactly in most cases. Additionally, a custom made sofa will fit your room better.
Finally, custom furniture is usually of very high quality. Since you, the customer, are choosing materials, you are helping ensure quality. Also, with the right custom furniture company you are involved in virtually every step which also helps with guaranteeing quality.
The only real drawback of custom made furniture is that you will likely find yourself spending a lot of money. When you get to choose the wood, the fabric, the size, the hardware, and every other feature of your furniture, you can expect to pay for it. For many of us, that is simply not an option. On the other hand, it may be a great way to ensure that you will have a piece of furniture that you can pass down for generations. In the end, that just might make it worth the extra few zeros on the price.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
Sofa Slipcovers: Worth it?
Personally, I hate sofa slipcovers. Then again, that is based almost exclusively on the fact that a) I am a man and b) I am lazy. I guess, then, that I should talk about them more in the practical sense. I can do that, I think, but when it comes right down to it a sofa slipcover is all about personal preference and how much work you want to put into your sofa.
Sofa slipcovers, if you don’t know (which would surprise me, but bare with me for those who stumbled across this blog on accident and are still reading), are basically clothes for your couch. A sofa slipcover is shaped like a sofa and “slips” over it to cover it. They allow you to protect the original sofa with a cover that can be cleaned more easily. They also allow you to change the look and color of your sofa readily. These are certainly positives.
Additionally, the right sofa slipcover can give your sofa a great shabby chic look that is pretty popular. It is very much a Greenwich Village look for those of you into that New York loft appeal. So, again, that is certainly a positive. What’s not to like? There are actually a couple of things of which I think you should beware when considering a sofa slipcover.
For one, you have to beware of badly made sofa slipcovers. For instance, many are made of cotton. Cotton shrinks, cotton stains, and cotton tears. These are also three things you don’t want happening to a slipcover. So if you decide you do want a sofa slipcover, either avoid cotton or at least look for a well made, preshrunk cotton that will help you avoid these pitfalls.
Secondly, slipcovers are made separately from sofas (unless you buy a slipcover sofa, but that is for another time). That means that you have to make sure that the sofa slipcover you buy will fit your existing sofa. If it does not, then you are stuck with either a poorly fitting cover or with making a trip back to the store to exchange and possibly not for the first time.
So the best way to think of it is this: if you are going to get a sofa slipcover be careful. Shop around, look online, look in stores, and measure carefully (as you should do with any furniture purchase). Then again, you could just go with the sofa you bought anyway and not cover it at all. Or maybe that’s just me!
Sofa slipcovers, if you don’t know (which would surprise me, but bare with me for those who stumbled across this blog on accident and are still reading), are basically clothes for your couch. A sofa slipcover is shaped like a sofa and “slips” over it to cover it. They allow you to protect the original sofa with a cover that can be cleaned more easily. They also allow you to change the look and color of your sofa readily. These are certainly positives.
Additionally, the right sofa slipcover can give your sofa a great shabby chic look that is pretty popular. It is very much a Greenwich Village look for those of you into that New York loft appeal. So, again, that is certainly a positive. What’s not to like? There are actually a couple of things of which I think you should beware when considering a sofa slipcover.
For one, you have to beware of badly made sofa slipcovers. For instance, many are made of cotton. Cotton shrinks, cotton stains, and cotton tears. These are also three things you don’t want happening to a slipcover. So if you decide you do want a sofa slipcover, either avoid cotton or at least look for a well made, preshrunk cotton that will help you avoid these pitfalls.
Secondly, slipcovers are made separately from sofas (unless you buy a slipcover sofa, but that is for another time). That means that you have to make sure that the sofa slipcover you buy will fit your existing sofa. If it does not, then you are stuck with either a poorly fitting cover or with making a trip back to the store to exchange and possibly not for the first time.
So the best way to think of it is this: if you are going to get a sofa slipcover be careful. Shop around, look online, look in stores, and measure carefully (as you should do with any furniture purchase). Then again, you could just go with the sofa you bought anyway and not cover it at all. Or maybe that’s just me!
Why Consider Pine Furniture?

Somewhere along the line in furniture history, consumers were convinced that the only worthwhile wooden furniture is made of oak. I used to work the sales floor constantly answering oak questions: where is your solid oak furniture? Do you have this in oak? Is a Chinese hardwood the same thing as oak? At the same time, many of the same furniture consumers also decided that pine was bad. Pine, I believe, gets a bad rap.
Granted, pine is a soft wood as opposed to the hardwoods like, yes, oak. However, pine furniture is still very durable and quite lovely. In addition to that, it is usually a lot less expensive than the coveted oak furniture that so many seek. Let’s take a quick look at the negatives and positives of pine furniture.
On the negative side, it is a soft wood and will thus scratch and nick up easier than furniture made of hardwood. It is lighter in both weight and color as well. Finally, pine does not have a grain with as much beauty as most feel oak does.
On the positive side, though, pine furniture is a lot less expensive. In addition, if you buy a set that is made to look distressed, the nicks and scratches will blend right in anyway. Even if you are buying a hardwood piece of furniture, the distressed look is both practical and popular anyway. Finally, if you buy solid pine furniture, it is still solid wood. That means it will still be very durable and will likely last as long as an oak piece, only with more dents and scratches.
So if you like the idea of having solid wood furniture for your home, consider looking at pine. It will save you money and still look great. Pine gets a bad rap, so give it a chance and you will see just how great a pine set can be for you.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
Beware of Sectional Sofas

There is no doubt about it; sectional sofas can be luxurious, comfortable, and even practical in many situations. There are, though, reasons for furniture buyers to beware of the sectional sofa lure. They can be both inflexible and impractical so that buyers can end up regretting their purchase no matter how nice or “high end” it is.
First of all, there is nothing wrong with sectional sofas in and of themselves. They can offer you a great deal of seating as well as a great setup for home theater entertainment. The only problem is that you really have to be sure of what you want, or at least shop around for something that has some flexibility to it.
Many sectional sofas are limited to only one or two configurations. They end up fitting only in a particular corner or facing a particular direction. If you know your room, have no intention of moving, and have no intention of changing the furniture layout in your room, then you have no worries.
On the other hand, if you ever move or change your room, you could be backed into a corner that will force you to buy new furniture for the room. And who wants to do that? I have seen it happen many times, and in fact I used to actually try to talk customers out of sectionals (despite the nice commission) because I just saw far too many problems.
Fear not, though, you can still have your cake and eat it too. You just have to be vigilant and thorough in your search for the right sectional sofa. Look for something that is flexible. There are many sets out there that are made up of series of square pieces that allow for virtually any configuration. Additionally, you can look for other flexible features that will make your sectional sofa moveable and practical no matter where you live in the future. Just make sure that what you find is also comfortable so that you will love it long term.
Sectional sofas are certainly not bad. They just require that you do even more measuring and planning than you would with a traditional sofa set. If you are in the market for a sectional sofa, watch for online displays that show you the options, talk to your sales consultant at the store, and make sure you take your time. Finding the right sectional sofa can be very exciting, but finding the wrong one can make for a disaster.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
Bedroom Shopping Advice: Splurge on the Mattress before the Set

I used to see it all the time; a couple comes in and spends $10,000 on their new bedroom set, but only is willing to buy the $399 king set from the cheap “end” of the mattress displays to go with it. There are many reasons for this, but the biggest reason is that furniture and mattress customers never stop to think about the importance of a mattress.
For most consumers, a mattress is the only piece of furniture in the entire home with a direct influence on their health and physical happiness. A good mattress can help you get better sleep and have a healthier back and joints. A bad mattress can make you tired, grumpy, and even take away from your performance at work.
I will save my thoughts on selecting the right mattress for later in the week, but suffice to say that I think if you are going to splurge on one thing and skimp on the other, skimp on the bedroom set. How many people are going to see your bedroom versus the amount of time you will spend on your mattress? You already know the answer.
Choose a mattress that feels good, that you know you will look forward to sleeping on, and that will be good for your back and joints. You will have to spend some money, but in the case of mattresses it is money well spent. Certainly, your mattress will do you more good than the mahogany bedroom set with the brushed nickel hardware, right?
If you just have to have that bedroom set, though, think about skipping the armoire or one of the night stands and putting a little extra toward a nicer mattress. Or maybe go for the mattress you love and a king bed frame rather than the $2,000 sleigh bed and cheap mattress.
Either way, the point is that while I encourage you to buy a bedroom set you love; I also encourage you to find a mattress that you will love. Find a way to make it happen and you will be glad you did. Remember, your mattress is that one piece you can pick up at a furniture store that will influence your health, your happiness, and even your job performance. Isn’t worth a few hundred extra dollars?
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
Relax, It's Only Furniture

I think that one of the best ways you can ensure your happiness when it comes to furniture shopping is to remember that it is furniture. There were many times when, as a store manager, I was able to relax an angry customer by saying something to the effect of “sir, just relax. It is only furniture and we will get this taken care of.” I do not say this to belittle the importance you may place on the furnishing of your home, but rather to remind you that furniture is not worth going crazy over. Yes, you spend a lot of money on it, but at the end of the day, worst case scenario, you can get the money back and start over, right?
In that vein, I just wanted to give you a little furniture humor. Check out this site and you will see that furniture is fun, furniture is funny, and furniture need not get your blood pressure up. Keep your cool, enjoy the process, and have faith that errors can be corrected.
Hope this helps
The Furniture Guy
What’s the Rush: Furniture Shopping and Buying Should Happen at the Right Pace
Back in my days as a furniture salesperson, I got a good feel for what types of customers most often ended up unhappy. There are, of course, those that just won’t ever be satisfied, the ones that don’t understand that there is no such thing as perfect furniture, and then there was the hurrier.
The hurrier thinks that he or she must find the right piece of furniture TODAY. He or she also wants that piece of furniture today in the next 10 minutes or it is quite possible the world as we know it will end. To those hurriers out there, I say: take your time. Furniture is not a hurry purchase.
First of all, most furniture retailers worth their salt will turn over styles and models almost constantly. If you don’t see what you want, or something you really like, then wait. Wait until you find the piece that is truly going to make you happy. What, though, if you cant find that piece?
Try special ordering if you have to. If you have to wait 6-8 weeks to get that recliner in the color you want, then do it. Being satisfied with your purchase and happy with your furniture is much more important than being able to pay, pull around, and pick it up in back to take home. Sure, if that happens it is great, but relax and make sure that you will be happy no matter how long it takes.
Secondly, make sure that what you are looking for exists. Yes, people do ask for things they have imagined and have never seen. If that is the case, then you will likely only find your vision from a local custom furniture builder, and not from your local retailer. Retailers are at the mercy of trends and of manufacturers. Your vision may not fit into those.
In the end, I am just trying to tell you to relax. Make furniture shopping leisurely and not a sprint to find the piece closest to what you want as fast as you can. When you are unhappy with your purchase it will hurt you, your retailer, and your salesperson. All you have to do is wait an extra day, week, or month and get it right.
The hurrier thinks that he or she must find the right piece of furniture TODAY. He or she also wants that piece of furniture today in the next 10 minutes or it is quite possible the world as we know it will end. To those hurriers out there, I say: take your time. Furniture is not a hurry purchase.
First of all, most furniture retailers worth their salt will turn over styles and models almost constantly. If you don’t see what you want, or something you really like, then wait. Wait until you find the piece that is truly going to make you happy. What, though, if you cant find that piece?
Try special ordering if you have to. If you have to wait 6-8 weeks to get that recliner in the color you want, then do it. Being satisfied with your purchase and happy with your furniture is much more important than being able to pay, pull around, and pick it up in back to take home. Sure, if that happens it is great, but relax and make sure that you will be happy no matter how long it takes.
Secondly, make sure that what you are looking for exists. Yes, people do ask for things they have imagined and have never seen. If that is the case, then you will likely only find your vision from a local custom furniture builder, and not from your local retailer. Retailers are at the mercy of trends and of manufacturers. Your vision may not fit into those.
In the end, I am just trying to tell you to relax. Make furniture shopping leisurely and not a sprint to find the piece closest to what you want as fast as you can. When you are unhappy with your purchase it will hurt you, your retailer, and your salesperson. All you have to do is wait an extra day, week, or month and get it right.
8-Way Hand Tied Versus Pirelli Webbing
At Gardenweb, in their furniture forum, there was a discussion about 8 way hand tied sofas versus those using Pirelli webbing. I have to tell you, this comes up a lot. I know that I had many customers ask me about this. I will give you my opinion, but in the end you are obviously going to have to choose for yourself.
If you don’t know, these two phrases refer to the way the seating on your sofa is supported. With Pirelli webbing, there is generally a series of coil or sinuous springs covered by the webbing. The webbing itself is a highly resilient material that is used in everything from airlines to automobiles. Few will deny that it is strong and wears well. On the other hand, 8-way hand tied uses a series of twine strings tied, by hand, 8 ways to support the seat. Many swear by it as both traditional and superior. It is not unusual to hear stories of old 8 way hand tied sofas lasting for 50 years.
But which is better?
First off, 8 way hand tied is going to be more expensive than a sofa using Pirelli webbing. That is just a fact. So, if cost is a concern, you may want to go ahead and cross off 8 way hand tied from your list of options.
As for which is actually superior, it is hard to argue with history. On the other hand, Pirelli webbing has not been around long enough to truly know. I do know this: it lasted as long as I wanted my sofa. I have never owned 8-way hand tied because I felt it was too expensive, but it is traditionally considered to be a sign of fine craftsmanship (hence the price).
I guess what I would tell you is that you have to consider what you want out of your sofa. If you want to spend a lot of money on something that you plan to hand down for generations, then you may want to watch for that 8 way hand tied Italian leather sofa. For most of us, though, the Pirelli webbing is more practical. It will surely last 10-20 years (long enough to get the kids out of the house), and you will be able to get it at a much more reasonable price.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
If you don’t know, these two phrases refer to the way the seating on your sofa is supported. With Pirelli webbing, there is generally a series of coil or sinuous springs covered by the webbing. The webbing itself is a highly resilient material that is used in everything from airlines to automobiles. Few will deny that it is strong and wears well. On the other hand, 8-way hand tied uses a series of twine strings tied, by hand, 8 ways to support the seat. Many swear by it as both traditional and superior. It is not unusual to hear stories of old 8 way hand tied sofas lasting for 50 years.
But which is better?
First off, 8 way hand tied is going to be more expensive than a sofa using Pirelli webbing. That is just a fact. So, if cost is a concern, you may want to go ahead and cross off 8 way hand tied from your list of options.
As for which is actually superior, it is hard to argue with history. On the other hand, Pirelli webbing has not been around long enough to truly know. I do know this: it lasted as long as I wanted my sofa. I have never owned 8-way hand tied because I felt it was too expensive, but it is traditionally considered to be a sign of fine craftsmanship (hence the price).
I guess what I would tell you is that you have to consider what you want out of your sofa. If you want to spend a lot of money on something that you plan to hand down for generations, then you may want to watch for that 8 way hand tied Italian leather sofa. For most of us, though, the Pirelli webbing is more practical. It will surely last 10-20 years (long enough to get the kids out of the house), and you will be able to get it at a much more reasonable price.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
What to Look for in a Sleeper Sofa
It seems that when it comes to sleeper sofas, many people have no idea what to look for or what to expect when they enter that showroom. As with most types of furniture, though, one of the biggest factors in getting the right sleeper sofa is having the right expectations. Hopefully a little information about sleeper sofas and what you should expect can also help you to find the best one for you.
First of all, if you are looking at sleeper sofas, you should understand that there really is no such thing as a really comfortable one (the bed, not the sofa seat). Sure, we can put men in space, build sports domes, and clone sheep, but the truly comfortable bed from a sofa sleeper still eludes mankind so far as I have found or been told about. At best, you are looking for something that is tolerable for one or two nights. If you are looking for more, you are probably actually looking for a futon.
Secondly, sleeper sofas rarely, if ever, feel the same as their non-sleeper counterparts. Having a bed inside the sofa is undoubtedly going to make it feel different when you sit on it. Your sofa will be more firm, but it may also keep its firmness longer, if that is something you like.
Third, your sleeper sofa is going to be heavy…real heavy. When you get it, you should consider that when thinking about deliver versus pickup of your piece of furniture. Because of the weight, your sleeper sofa may also be difficult to maneuver through doorways and down hallways. Just make sure you keep that in mind as you shop.
When you get to the point where you are looking for a good sleeper sofa, though, there are a few things to look at for quality. First of all, look for something with a decent warranty on the sleeper mechanism as well as the sleeper mattress. Obviously, neither will last like a real bed will, but you should have some insurance of quality from the maker or the retailer. Just make sure you ask.
Finally, try out the beds. When you are the furniture store, check out the sleepers completely. Sit on them closed and lie on the sofa sleepers when they are folded out. Find the one that not only feels the most comfortable (or least uncomfortable as it were), but also the one that seems like it will hold up.
Getting a sleeper sofa does not have to be difficult. You just need to go in knowing what to expect and ready to truly investigate the pieces there on the showfloor.
Hope all of this helps,
The Furniture Guy
First of all, if you are looking at sleeper sofas, you should understand that there really is no such thing as a really comfortable one (the bed, not the sofa seat). Sure, we can put men in space, build sports domes, and clone sheep, but the truly comfortable bed from a sofa sleeper still eludes mankind so far as I have found or been told about. At best, you are looking for something that is tolerable for one or two nights. If you are looking for more, you are probably actually looking for a futon.
Secondly, sleeper sofas rarely, if ever, feel the same as their non-sleeper counterparts. Having a bed inside the sofa is undoubtedly going to make it feel different when you sit on it. Your sofa will be more firm, but it may also keep its firmness longer, if that is something you like.
Third, your sleeper sofa is going to be heavy…real heavy. When you get it, you should consider that when thinking about deliver versus pickup of your piece of furniture. Because of the weight, your sleeper sofa may also be difficult to maneuver through doorways and down hallways. Just make sure you keep that in mind as you shop.
When you get to the point where you are looking for a good sleeper sofa, though, there are a few things to look at for quality. First of all, look for something with a decent warranty on the sleeper mechanism as well as the sleeper mattress. Obviously, neither will last like a real bed will, but you should have some insurance of quality from the maker or the retailer. Just make sure you ask.
Finally, try out the beds. When you are the furniture store, check out the sleepers completely. Sit on them closed and lie on the sofa sleepers when they are folded out. Find the one that not only feels the most comfortable (or least uncomfortable as it were), but also the one that seems like it will hold up.
Getting a sleeper sofa does not have to be difficult. You just need to go in knowing what to expect and ready to truly investigate the pieces there on the showfloor.
Hope all of this helps,
The Furniture Guy
Furniture Complaints Site Worth a Look

I know I already told you about the importance of the Consumer Reports website, but I wanted to give a quick link to another consumer site that will make things even easier for anyone shopping for furniture. This one will simplify your search for what you want, and it will also prepare you for what can go wrong with furniture shopping. Yes, it is true; things do go wrong with furniture (gasp!).
Consumer Affairs has their own website that is worth a visit, but I want to be a little more specific. If you go to their furniture section, they have a list of typical complaints they get for various stores, manufacturers, and distributors. Additionally, they explain ways to avoid problems (read warranty and guarantee information, etc.).
After reading it over, I would definitely recommend paying a visit to Consumer Affairs site before doing any shopping. I wouldn’t completely write off anyone appearing on the report, but I would read it to prepare myself for what is to come. Furniture shopping is a lot easier when you have all the information.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
Lazyboy or Lane?
Recently, I have gotten two questions about Lane versus LazyBoy on my own and have seen another one on a message board (by the way, this is a good board for exchanging information or finding others to compare furniture information with). So let me just real quickly give you my feelings on the two.
To put it simply, I think they are both fantastic companies that make good solid motion furniture. I believe that no matter which way you go, you will be getting a good product. Some help huh? I know that seems like a cop out, but it is the truth. In the end, I think you need to look at both products IN PERSON and make your decision from there. Sit in the pieces you are looking at, feel them, and try out the reclining mechanism on both types (there is a definite difference in the feel of a LazyBoy reclining mechanism and a Lane mechanism.
Finally, consider the warranties. Both offer nice warranties, and it is certainly worth your while to look over the manufacturer warranties for both Lane and LazyBoy at these links. While they are similar, there are differences you may want to look over.
In the end, I can’t, in good conscience, tell you whether you should buy a Lane or LazyBoy (or any other major motion furniture manufacturer). If either was clearly better than the other, I would certainly say so, and I can tell you that my personal preference is lane. That preference, though, is based on personal tendencies and not in any way on quality. So just know that both are worth your time for sure and that the only way to make the right decision is by trying out both types for yourself.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
Technorati Tag:
To put it simply, I think they are both fantastic companies that make good solid motion furniture. I believe that no matter which way you go, you will be getting a good product. Some help huh? I know that seems like a cop out, but it is the truth. In the end, I think you need to look at both products IN PERSON and make your decision from there. Sit in the pieces you are looking at, feel them, and try out the reclining mechanism on both types (there is a definite difference in the feel of a LazyBoy reclining mechanism and a Lane mechanism.
Finally, consider the warranties. Both offer nice warranties, and it is certainly worth your while to look over the manufacturer warranties for both Lane and LazyBoy at these links. While they are similar, there are differences you may want to look over.
In the end, I can’t, in good conscience, tell you whether you should buy a Lane or LazyBoy (or any other major motion furniture manufacturer). If either was clearly better than the other, I would certainly say so, and I can tell you that my personal preference is lane. That preference, though, is based on personal tendencies and not in any way on quality. So just know that both are worth your time for sure and that the only way to make the right decision is by trying out both types for yourself.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
Technorati Tag:
What I REALLY Think of Online Retailers

The question I keep getting is about my opposition to buying furniture online, so I think it is time for me to clarify my feelings on this. Understand that I am in no way knocking or endorsing any online furniture stores, I am sure many are great businesses. My issue is this, though: furniture is a “feel” purchase for most people. They want to feel the furniture under them, put their hand on the top of the dresser, touch the leather against their arms on the recliner, and feel the mattress under their backs. When you shop and buy online, that is just not possible. I do, though, believe that there is value in online furniture sales.
For one, I think there is nothing wrong with looking at, trying out, and feeling furniture at a local store and then making the purchase online if it saves you money. Buying furniture online can certainly get you savings depending on where in the world you live and what you are buying. If that is the case, then by all means make your purchase, but do not shop, decide, and buy online or I think you are putting yourself in position to be disappointed.
Secondly, online furniture stores can help you get an idea about price points, styles, and specs when you walk into your local retailer. Once there, you can use the knowledge you gain online to get pointed toward the styles, prices, and even brands you think you may like. Check out manufacturer websites along with online retailers to find out information about various pieces, the manufacturer of those pieces, and specs that will help you decide what will and will not fit in your room.
Finally, if you do opt to use an online furniture store, make sure you have all the information. Part of my bias against online furniture shopping comes from bad experiences relayed to me by customers. Understand how the return policies and warranties work with your online retailer before you do anything. There are times that a return to an online store is very costly compared to that of a local retailer. The more you know, the better your experience may be.
Though I do have some reservations about shopping and buying furniture online, there is value to online retailers. Use them to make a final purchase if it saves you money; after all, saving money is a big part of the retail furniture battle. Additionally, use them to gain information you can use in a local store. Finally, whatever you decide, make sure you have all the information you need to make your experience a good one. In the end, I just want you to get the furniture you want, at a good price, and with the support and customer service you deserve as a consumer.
I hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
Caring for Leather Furniture

Despite the belief of many out there, caring for leather furniture is not all that difficult. It requires only that you maintain somewhat of a routine and that you understand certain characteristics of leather. The following should help you attain both of those.
First of all, with leather furniture, you should understand that there will be some wear. This Patina, which will develop given enough time on even the most heavily treated leather, should be embraced. Much like the again of human skin, it is easier just to accept that it will go through changes. You will see these changes around where the hands, arms, and head touch your furniture the most. Oils from the body create wear by being absorbed into the leather furniture.
Secondly, by simply wiping down your leather furniture with a damp cloth a couple of times a month, then drying it with a soft towel you can save a great deal of wear and tear. This will remove dust and dirt that naturally settle on your leather furniture and can hasten the wear and tear on it as well as speed up the process of breaking down the quality of the leather. Sure, leather creams and treatments are nice, but simply washing off your leather a couple of times a month will do a world of good without costing you a fortune. Additionally, when you dust your home, dust your leather furniture too just for good measure.
Finally, do treat your leather from time to time. Find a lotion or cream you like what will help keep your leather soft. This is particularly important in the drier climates like Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado where there is little moisture in the air to keep the leather soft naturally.
There is not a lot to keeping your leather furniture sound, but cleaning it and treating it regularly should help your leather to last you for years to come.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
Okay THIS You Can Buy Online

As I was purusing the internet, I came across every furniture lover's dream. I normally, as you know, do not advocate buying furniture over the internet. Shopping for it over the internet is fine, researching it is fine, but buying I think creates more problems than anything else. Anyway, I found something I love, but that no self-respecting furniture store would buy: the car sofa.
For giggles or for your television room, go ahead and check them out. I have no idea what the quality is like, but what a great little item! Oh and for the record, they aren't paying me or anything, I just thought it was a cool idea.
Sorry for the absence, but an emergency came up. Sure, emergencies come up even in the furniture guy world. I will be back later this evening and the rest of the week with great furniture information for the furniture consumer.
Don't forget to check the Furniture Guy blog every day. Again, my apologies for the absence.
The Furniture Guy
Don't forget to check the Furniture Guy blog every day. Again, my apologies for the absence.
The Furniture Guy
Consider Your Salesperson a Resource
I know this goes against overtaking you think about retail sales people, but if you get the right sales person in a furniture store, use him or her. Your furniture sales person can be your greatest resource when it comes to your furniture shopping experience. He or she should be able to help you with not only choosing furniture, but also learning about it. I know that as a salesperson, I actually enjoyed the opportunities to help people more than those lay down write 'em up sales.
Inside Furniture had a post a few days back where sales people in furniture were referred to as a furniture counselor, and I find that refreshing. I also find it is the trend in retail furniture sales; sales people are becoming less pushy and more helpful. They are on your side rather than it being you against them. There was a second post at Inside Furniture where the idea of the internet with furniture marketing comes into play. I think it is certainly worth a read if you are planning to shop for furniture. It will give you a feel for the retailers' side of the online furniture industry.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
Inside Furniture had a post a few days back where sales people in furniture were referred to as a furniture counselor, and I find that refreshing. I also find it is the trend in retail furniture sales; sales people are becoming less pushy and more helpful. They are on your side rather than it being you against them. There was a second post at Inside Furniture where the idea of the internet with furniture marketing comes into play. I think it is certainly worth a read if you are planning to shop for furniture. It will give you a feel for the retailers' side of the online furniture industry.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
Top 3 Furniture Sites For Consumers to Check Out
While I usually discourage customers from actually buying furniture online, that does not mean there aren't good furniture websites out there that can help you. For one, there is this one (this is where you give Furniture Guy his props), but there are actually others as well. When it comes time for you to shop for furniture, be sure to read and/or email the Furniture Guy, but you may also want to stop by and check out these sites:
Furniture Fan: This site is designed as a way for you to do one-stop browsing of furniture. With unbiased listings of furniture, furniture retailers, and furniture manufacturers on their site, this is a great place to start shopping.
Consumer Reports: If you don't know who Consumer Reports is, then you need to learn. This is a great place to visit no matter what kind of shopping you are doing. Virtually any product you would want has been tested and graded by this great company for retail customers.
Furniture Brains: This site is one jam packed with information for you. You can find information about furniture stores in your area, furniture websites, furniture advertising, and the industry as a whole. This is a great place to visit once you have done some looking around and are ready to walk into a *gasp* furniture store.
Hopefully these sites are of some help to you. To me, they certainly looked worthwhile to you. Oh and just for the record, I have no affiliation with any of them. I legitimately find these to be great resources for you. If you have any feedback, the Furniture Guy communication lines are always open.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
Furniture Fan: This site is designed as a way for you to do one-stop browsing of furniture. With unbiased listings of furniture, furniture retailers, and furniture manufacturers on their site, this is a great place to start shopping.
Consumer Reports: If you don't know who Consumer Reports is, then you need to learn. This is a great place to visit no matter what kind of shopping you are doing. Virtually any product you would want has been tested and graded by this great company for retail customers.
Furniture Brains: This site is one jam packed with information for you. You can find information about furniture stores in your area, furniture websites, furniture advertising, and the industry as a whole. This is a great place to visit once you have done some looking around and are ready to walk into a *gasp* furniture store.
Hopefully these sites are of some help to you. To me, they certainly looked worthwhile to you. Oh and just for the record, I have no affiliation with any of them. I legitimately find these to be great resources for you. If you have any feedback, the Furniture Guy communication lines are always open.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
What About Leather recliner?
Those who enjoy having the best often go straight for leather. There is certainly nothing wrong with that since it is the most durable upholstery material known to man. There are times, though, that I think going with all leather is actually a bit of a disadvantage. One of those times is when you are talking about a recliner.
Don't get me wrong, a leather recliner is nice, but a 100% leather recliner actually presents problems. When I talk about 100% leather recliners, I mean a recliner on which every inch is upholstered with leather. The other option is a leather-match recliner which is one where leather is on the seat, back, and arms (everywhere your body touches)and the rest is a color matched vinyl. Why would this be better than all leather? I have a couple of reasons.
For one reason, it is cheaper. For getting a leather feel, you are paying as much as 50% less than on a 100% leather recliner.
The other reason is functional. Leather, as you may know, will stretch. As a recliner goes back and forth to positions, leather can have a tendency to get stretched out and tend to wrinkle. Going purely on what I have seen time and time again, the look is ugly and customers (that's you) end up unhappy. The vinyl on a leather-match, though, has more of a chance of maintaining its look and shape for a longer time.
Hopefully this will help you make a more informed decision when it comes to leather recliners. Certainly, there is nothing wrong with all leather, but just know going in that you may end up with a wrinkly back and sides on your chair.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
Don't get me wrong, a leather recliner is nice, but a 100% leather recliner actually presents problems. When I talk about 100% leather recliners, I mean a recliner on which every inch is upholstered with leather. The other option is a leather-match recliner which is one where leather is on the seat, back, and arms (everywhere your body touches)and the rest is a color matched vinyl. Why would this be better than all leather? I have a couple of reasons.
For one reason, it is cheaper. For getting a leather feel, you are paying as much as 50% less than on a 100% leather recliner.
The other reason is functional. Leather, as you may know, will stretch. As a recliner goes back and forth to positions, leather can have a tendency to get stretched out and tend to wrinkle. Going purely on what I have seen time and time again, the look is ugly and customers (that's you) end up unhappy. The vinyl on a leather-match, though, has more of a chance of maintaining its look and shape for a longer time.
Hopefully this will help you make a more informed decision when it comes to leather recliners. Certainly, there is nothing wrong with all leather, but just know going in that you may end up with a wrinkly back and sides on your chair.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
Choosing a Recliner
I was looking at a blog post by Gillian Markson at Families.com regarding recliners. She had some really good things to say, and I think a look at it is worthwhile if you are considering a recliner. I would just like to add a few things to it.
The interesting thing about recliners is that they are one of the few pieces of furniture that actually have mechanics to them. That means that they not only have to look good and feel good, they also have to work. It sounds simple, but you would be surprised how few people shop for a recliner, but give the mechanism in them little thought.
The first thing you should do, then, is to find out about the reclining mechanism and its warranty. This is one instance where I will absolutely tell you that name brands have an advantage. The two leading motion furniture manufacturers, La-Z-Boy and Lane, have great warranty coverage on their reclining mechanisms, which makes the extra money well worth it in my view.
Secondly, I would make sure that the recliner reaches the positions that you and or your spouse want. When you are in the store, sit in the chair, recline the chair, and make sure it feels right.
Finally, make sure the recliner will fit through doorways. Additionally, find out if the recliner comes apart. The back will come off of some, but not off of others.
When looking for a recliner, take some time to consider the mechanics and you will be a much happier customer.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
The interesting thing about recliners is that they are one of the few pieces of furniture that actually have mechanics to them. That means that they not only have to look good and feel good, they also have to work. It sounds simple, but you would be surprised how few people shop for a recliner, but give the mechanism in them little thought.
The first thing you should do, then, is to find out about the reclining mechanism and its warranty. This is one instance where I will absolutely tell you that name brands have an advantage. The two leading motion furniture manufacturers, La-Z-Boy and Lane, have great warranty coverage on their reclining mechanisms, which makes the extra money well worth it in my view.
Secondly, I would make sure that the recliner reaches the positions that you and or your spouse want. When you are in the store, sit in the chair, recline the chair, and make sure it feels right.
Finally, make sure the recliner will fit through doorways. Additionally, find out if the recliner comes apart. The back will come off of some, but not off of others.
When looking for a recliner, take some time to consider the mechanics and you will be a much happier customer.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
Is Discount Bedroom Furniture Worth the Money?
As a salesperson, it was always amazing to me how often I got the question: "where is your cheapest dresser?" No care about look, quality, or anything other than price. There is certainly a place in this world for that $60 dresser we used to sell, but if you are looking at discount bedroom furniture, there are some things to consider.
Consider what the furniture is for. That plywood dresser and nightstand are probably okay for a rarely used guest room or as a storage unit in the garage. On the other hand, it is probably not going to last when your 13 year old decides to stand on it to hang a poster on his ceiling.
Often times, discount bedroom furniture is ready to assemble (RTA) furniture. That means it will likely come in a series of flat boxes. From them, you will pull many pieces of wood, screws, and pages of instructions. If you just spend a couple of hundred more, you can get something that is already assembled and that is going to likely last longer. Remember, it is not always price, but value for that price.
If the dresser from that discount bedroom furniture set costs $70, how long do you think it will last? I would actually say that just by spending another $50 to $100 on a piece of bedroom furniture you will get a lot more than twice the wear out of it.
So when it comes time to make a purchase of bedroom furniture, consider price but not exclusively. A cheap piece has its place, but make sure you are getting it for the right purposes and your expectations are correct. You don't have to buy the most expensive set to get your money's worth, but buying discount bedroom furniture is something you should really think about since it always seemed basically disposable to me.
Consider what the furniture is for. That plywood dresser and nightstand are probably okay for a rarely used guest room or as a storage unit in the garage. On the other hand, it is probably not going to last when your 13 year old decides to stand on it to hang a poster on his ceiling.
Often times, discount bedroom furniture is ready to assemble (RTA) furniture. That means it will likely come in a series of flat boxes. From them, you will pull many pieces of wood, screws, and pages of instructions. If you just spend a couple of hundred more, you can get something that is already assembled and that is going to likely last longer. Remember, it is not always price, but value for that price.
If the dresser from that discount bedroom furniture set costs $70, how long do you think it will last? I would actually say that just by spending another $50 to $100 on a piece of bedroom furniture you will get a lot more than twice the wear out of it.
So when it comes time to make a purchase of bedroom furniture, consider price but not exclusively. A cheap piece has its place, but make sure you are getting it for the right purposes and your expectations are correct. You don't have to buy the most expensive set to get your money's worth, but buying discount bedroom furniture is something you should really think about since it always seemed basically disposable to me.
What is a Contemporary Bedroom Furniture Set?

An interesting thing about the furniture industry is that many of the terms are either vague or at least varied in their meaning. Contemporary is definitely one of those words that is a matter of personal ideal. When I used to sell, and even to some extend when I was managing a store, I found that nearly every customer had a different idea of what contemporary was. Though it is somewhat vague, contemporary bedroom furniture does have a few fairly common characteristics.
Have you ever seen those videos from the 1950’s where they show off “modern” homes? For the most part, contemporary bedroom furniture, ironically, is most any set that looks like it belongs in one of those 50’s modern homes. Then again, it is also anything that looks like it belongs in a Manhattan loft.
By and large, contemporary bedroom furniture is simple with clean lines. You will likely see a lot of chrome in it or on it in terms of the hardware. Often times, the base color is dark like a cherry or mahogany stain Go to any bedroom furniture site and click on their contemporary bedroom furniture and the range of looks you will see will vary greatly. There may be leather covered beds, metal dressers, or even shellacked looks. You can, though, usually count on the clean lines and finished looks.
Remember, though, when you buy anything that is contemporary or trendy, you run the risk of it going out of style. Then again, contemporary bedroom furniture has not changed much in the last ten years so maybe you will be okay.
So feel free to click around, find some online contemporary bedroom sets that you like before you go to your local store. That way you know what look you like and can ask for something more specific than contemporary bedroom furniture.
A couple of things of which to be aware when looking at contemporary bedroom furniture:
- Shellacked or glazed looking sets often show fingerprints very easily. Check the floor model in the store where you are to see. If it is showing fingerprints in the store, it will in your home.
- Contemporary bedroom furniture is often very big. Make sure you measure well because the set is going to look smaller in the showroom than it will in your home.
- Because contemporary bedrooms are usually covered with dark stains, dark veneers, or even shellac, it can be difficult to tell visually what the set is made of. Make sure you ask and find out so that you can get the best possible quality.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
What to Look for in Kids' Bedroom Furniture
Kids’ bedroom furniture is a hot market for furniture retailers. For you, that means that there is more out there to choose from, higher quality, and a continual flow of new designs. What, though, should you be looking for in kids’ bedroom furniture? There are a few things to consider with two of the more popular types of kids’ bedroom furniture.
Bunk Beds:
When it comes to buying bunk beds, there are a couple of things to realize. First of all, many furniture retail stores do not sell “Bunkie boards” with their bunk beds. The Bunkie board is the board that lies under the mattress to act as a foundation. Essentially, it is MDF wrapped in cloth, but it is completely necessary. So when looking at and purchasing bunk beds, ask about the Bunkie.
Next, look for bunk beds that are going to be easy for a child to get into and out of. Is the ladder sturdy and easy for your child to use? Is there another way up and down? You should even have your child try out the floor model to be sure.
Captain’s Beds:
In case you don’t know already, captain’s beds are the beds that sit on top of a drawer set. These are becoming incredibly popular because they offer extra storage for children that have way too many clothes, toys, and what not. Additionally, they do not look too childish so that your son or daughter will outgrow the look too soon.
Many captain’s beds take Bunkie boards as well because a regular box spring will sit the mattress up too high. Be sure to ask. Also, since many have the option of a bookcase headboard, always ask your sale associate what comes with the bed at the price you see. In many stores, including the one where I used to work, many of the parts, extra drawers, various headboards, etc. are sold separately. Many also have certain groupings sold at set prices. Make sure you are always clear on what you are getting with a captain’s bed.
Overall Kids’ Bedroom Furniture
There are also a few things to keep in mind when buying kids’ bedroom furniture no matter what the exact type:
- Find something that will grow with your child; he may not like that racecar bed by the time he is 13, which means you will be buying another set then.
- Watch for safety: captains beds should have a way to open from underneath, toy chests should not lock, and look for good rails on top bunks.
- Don’t skimp on the mattress because he or she is “just a kid.” Your little one is growing as he or she sleeps and a good mattress can ensure proper spine alignment and back support.
- Bring along your child to make he or she part of the process. They will be much more accepting of the set that way.
Finally, keep in mind that everything we discussed about your bedroom furniture goes for kids’ bedroom furniture as well. Also, always remember to ask about assembly requirements and options since a lot of kids’ bedroom furniture is ready to assemble (RTA) to some degree.
Oh and one more thing…make sure you measure!
Bunk Beds:
When it comes to buying bunk beds, there are a couple of things to realize. First of all, many furniture retail stores do not sell “Bunkie boards” with their bunk beds. The Bunkie board is the board that lies under the mattress to act as a foundation. Essentially, it is MDF wrapped in cloth, but it is completely necessary. So when looking at and purchasing bunk beds, ask about the Bunkie.
Next, look for bunk beds that are going to be easy for a child to get into and out of. Is the ladder sturdy and easy for your child to use? Is there another way up and down? You should even have your child try out the floor model to be sure.
Captain’s Beds:
In case you don’t know already, captain’s beds are the beds that sit on top of a drawer set. These are becoming incredibly popular because they offer extra storage for children that have way too many clothes, toys, and what not. Additionally, they do not look too childish so that your son or daughter will outgrow the look too soon.
Many captain’s beds take Bunkie boards as well because a regular box spring will sit the mattress up too high. Be sure to ask. Also, since many have the option of a bookcase headboard, always ask your sale associate what comes with the bed at the price you see. In many stores, including the one where I used to work, many of the parts, extra drawers, various headboards, etc. are sold separately. Many also have certain groupings sold at set prices. Make sure you are always clear on what you are getting with a captain’s bed.
Overall Kids’ Bedroom Furniture
There are also a few things to keep in mind when buying kids’ bedroom furniture no matter what the exact type:
- Find something that will grow with your child; he may not like that racecar bed by the time he is 13, which means you will be buying another set then.
- Watch for safety: captains beds should have a way to open from underneath, toy chests should not lock, and look for good rails on top bunks.
- Don’t skimp on the mattress because he or she is “just a kid.” Your little one is growing as he or she sleeps and a good mattress can ensure proper spine alignment and back support.
- Bring along your child to make he or she part of the process. They will be much more accepting of the set that way.
Finally, keep in mind that everything we discussed about your bedroom furniture goes for kids’ bedroom furniture as well. Also, always remember to ask about assembly requirements and options since a lot of kids’ bedroom furniture is ready to assemble (RTA) to some degree.
Oh and one more thing…make sure you measure!
MDF and Particle Board Furniture Answers
Since bedroom furniture is largely made of wood, this seems like a pretty good place to talk about wood furniture that is not made of solid wood. I am talking, of course, about the infamous Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) and particle board furniture. They both do have a place in furniture, and in some ways get a bad rap. Consider some of the pros, cons, and uses of both.
What it is: Medium Density Fibreboard is wood fibers that have been glued together with heat and pressure to make hardboard.
Advantages: MDF is stiff, has no knots or holes to deal with, it is hard, and it is fairly strong. Additionally, it is easy to work with, taking paint, laminates, veneers, and varnishes really well. It is also less expensive than a hard or solid wood piece. Solid wood, of course, is always better, but when it comes to hitting a price point while still maintaining some quality and look, MDF is not a bad way to go. Just always make sure you ask your sales associate what is under a veneer.
Disadvantages: MDF’s biggest drawback is that it is not solid wood. Aside from that, though, it does tend to split sometimes when you put screws into it. Additionally, you should always use caution when sanding or cutting MDF (if you are going to do that to your new furniture, but just be aware of the issue). The glues that are used in it can be dangerous when released into the air.
Particle Board:
What it is: There are some who confuse or interchange the names MDF and Particle Board. There is, though, a real difference. Particle board is made similarly to MDF, but is made of more coarse pieces than MDF is. With particle board, you can actually see the pieces usually.
Advantages: Basically it is cheap. Usually, particle board is used for floor underlayment and on roofs more than for furniture construction.
Disadvantages: For furniture, it is generally not strong enough and is subject to chipping and flaking. Occasionally you will see it used in Ready to Assemble (RTA) furniture. Make sure when reviewing what your furniture is made of, you get that distinction between particle and MDF.
MDF and Particle Board are certainly not the only materials you will find being used for furniture construction, but they are the most common aside from solid wood. As always, when you purchase furniture, make sure you find out about the construction. MDF is not always all bad, just always make sure you are getting what you pay for at all times.
See you tomorrow,
The Furniture Guy
What it is: Medium Density Fibreboard is wood fibers that have been glued together with heat and pressure to make hardboard.
Advantages: MDF is stiff, has no knots or holes to deal with, it is hard, and it is fairly strong. Additionally, it is easy to work with, taking paint, laminates, veneers, and varnishes really well. It is also less expensive than a hard or solid wood piece. Solid wood, of course, is always better, but when it comes to hitting a price point while still maintaining some quality and look, MDF is not a bad way to go. Just always make sure you ask your sales associate what is under a veneer.
Disadvantages: MDF’s biggest drawback is that it is not solid wood. Aside from that, though, it does tend to split sometimes when you put screws into it. Additionally, you should always use caution when sanding or cutting MDF (if you are going to do that to your new furniture, but just be aware of the issue). The glues that are used in it can be dangerous when released into the air.
Particle Board:
What it is: There are some who confuse or interchange the names MDF and Particle Board. There is, though, a real difference. Particle board is made similarly to MDF, but is made of more coarse pieces than MDF is. With particle board, you can actually see the pieces usually.
Advantages: Basically it is cheap. Usually, particle board is used for floor underlayment and on roofs more than for furniture construction.
Disadvantages: For furniture, it is generally not strong enough and is subject to chipping and flaking. Occasionally you will see it used in Ready to Assemble (RTA) furniture. Make sure when reviewing what your furniture is made of, you get that distinction between particle and MDF.
MDF and Particle Board are certainly not the only materials you will find being used for furniture construction, but they are the most common aside from solid wood. As always, when you purchase furniture, make sure you find out about the construction. MDF is not always all bad, just always make sure you are getting what you pay for at all times.
See you tomorrow,
The Furniture Guy
Shopping for Bedroom Furniture II
After talking with several people about it, I found that a lot of people out there either have misconceptions about or do not understand the nature of wood at all when it comes to furniture. So this morning, I want to talk a little bit about bedroom furniture construction.
First of all, the wood:
Contrary to what you may think, there is nothing wrong with a veneer as long as it is the right veneer. A veneer is really just a very thin slice of something (in this case, wood). On furniture, there are a number of veneer types including lamenant and yes, photo veneers (where paper with a picture of wood grain is stuck onto either wood or particle board). Nearly every piece of wooden furniture you see will have a veneer on it. For the best quality, you will likely want to look for something that is solid wood with a wood veneer on it. This will give you durability and a good looking grain.
Though a breakdown of different types of wood is to come in the next few days, just keep in mind that a hard wood will be harder to scratch and chip than a soft wood. A soft wood, though, will still give you durability, you just might want to think about a distressed look so that the inevitable nicks and scrapes that come with a soft wood will blend in.
Secondly, the look:
Decide early on a couple of looks you want to limit yourself to. Do you like a contemporary look? Victorian or traditional bedroom furniture? Do you like something rustic? What you decide will not only help determine how much you can expect to spend, but also make your shopping process easier by limiting the sets you look at. The more refined the look, the more you will likely pay. That is, a traditional set of bedroom furniture will almost always cost more than a rustic set.
Finally, the way it is put together:
Modern technology has made furniture construction as good as ever for the cost. Glues are as strong as nails and nails are secured with adhesives and machine driving. I would suggest drawers that have two tracks of metal on plastic. Personally, and when I was selling bedroom furniture, I found that wood on wood tended to stick more. I also found that one track drawers came off track easier. These are little things that are largely personal preference, but it is something to be aware of.
As for dovetailing, when all furniture was hand made, this was important. However, with the glues and tacking technology available in factories today, I never found dovetail drawers to last significantly longer than those without it, however; if you like the idea of dovetailing for either the look or just your own construction beliefs, go for it. I just would not recommend making it a deal breaker on an otherwise good piece of wooden bedroom furniture.
KEEP IN MIND: If you have wood on wood drawers that are sticking, soap 'em up. Try rubbing bar soap on the track and the drawer to reduce the friction without causing the wood any damage.
KEEP IN MIND: Most consumers of furniture buy based on two things: look and price. While you certainly should consider both, don't be afraid to shop around to get those with the right level of quality.
First of all, the wood:
Contrary to what you may think, there is nothing wrong with a veneer as long as it is the right veneer. A veneer is really just a very thin slice of something (in this case, wood). On furniture, there are a number of veneer types including lamenant and yes, photo veneers (where paper with a picture of wood grain is stuck onto either wood or particle board). Nearly every piece of wooden furniture you see will have a veneer on it. For the best quality, you will likely want to look for something that is solid wood with a wood veneer on it. This will give you durability and a good looking grain.
Though a breakdown of different types of wood is to come in the next few days, just keep in mind that a hard wood will be harder to scratch and chip than a soft wood. A soft wood, though, will still give you durability, you just might want to think about a distressed look so that the inevitable nicks and scrapes that come with a soft wood will blend in.
Secondly, the look:
Decide early on a couple of looks you want to limit yourself to. Do you like a contemporary look? Victorian or traditional bedroom furniture? Do you like something rustic? What you decide will not only help determine how much you can expect to spend, but also make your shopping process easier by limiting the sets you look at. The more refined the look, the more you will likely pay. That is, a traditional set of bedroom furniture will almost always cost more than a rustic set.
Finally, the way it is put together:
Modern technology has made furniture construction as good as ever for the cost. Glues are as strong as nails and nails are secured with adhesives and machine driving. I would suggest drawers that have two tracks of metal on plastic. Personally, and when I was selling bedroom furniture, I found that wood on wood tended to stick more. I also found that one track drawers came off track easier. These are little things that are largely personal preference, but it is something to be aware of.
As for dovetailing, when all furniture was hand made, this was important. However, with the glues and tacking technology available in factories today, I never found dovetail drawers to last significantly longer than those without it, however; if you like the idea of dovetailing for either the look or just your own construction beliefs, go for it. I just would not recommend making it a deal breaker on an otherwise good piece of wooden bedroom furniture.
KEEP IN MIND: If you have wood on wood drawers that are sticking, soap 'em up. Try rubbing bar soap on the track and the drawer to reduce the friction without causing the wood any damage.
KEEP IN MIND: Most consumers of furniture buy based on two things: look and price. While you certainly should consider both, don't be afraid to shop around to get those with the right level of quality.
Shopping For Bedroom Furniture Part I

Because it is so intimate and personal, buying bedroom furniture can be quite an adventure. Your bedroom is, for many, the room to which you can escape. It is a place that will likely really reflect your sense of style and comfort. There are, though, some issues about which you must be aware when buying bedroom furniture. If you go in with the right mindset and a solid understanding of bedroom furniture, then you can certainly have a positive and even enjoyable experience.
First of all, as was mentioned in yesterday's post, make sure you measure. Bedroom furniture is quite possibly not only the largest furniture, but also the least flexible. Because most of it is wood and thus not flexible, there is no room to be off on measurements. Headboards and dressers are particularly troublesome pieces when it comes to fitting through doorways and up stairs.
Secondly, decide what pieces you want in your bedroom. In many furniture stores, you will see displays that show a bed, two night stands, a dresser, mirror, and chest of drawers. You may even find a lingerie chest, armoire, and accent table included in the display as well. Few if any bedrooms (besides the display one) are big enough to accommodate all those pieces. Measure carefully and decide what you really need in your room.
Third, go into the store with some idea of what style you are looking for. Decide if you want a retro, a contemporary, a traditional, a Victorian, or some completely different style in your room. Since many furniture stores carry hundreds of bedroom set options and styles when you take special ordering into account, having an idea of what you are after will allow the sale person to assist you as efficiently and effectively as possible.
Get these three things in order, and you are ready to enter the furniture store. There are, though, still plenty of decisions to be made and ideas to consider when you make that initial visit to the store. Don't worry, we will be there to help you with that part too as we continue to look at bedroom furniture this week.
See you tomorrow,
The Furniture Guy
Measure Your Furniture....And Your Room

Believe it or not, making your furniture shopping and buying experience a good one starts before you ever set foot in a store. It even starts before you have decided what piece or pieces of furniture you need, what color you want, or even what style you like. One of the best things you can do to make sure you have a good furniture experience is measure. Measure to save yourself disappointment, time, and money.
Now most people, when planning to furnish a room, do measure, but the problem is that they don't measure everything they need to. Sure, you might measure the room dimensions to see where everything is going to go, but you are likely to forget that the furniture has to get in and out of the room. Look to see how many doorways and hallways the pieces have to go through, what types of turns they have to make, and where furniture will have to go up or down stairs.
I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for you to measure your doorways, stairwells, and hallways all three. Remember that your furniture not only has to fit in the room, and through the doorways, but it also has to turn corners and fit under the overhang of any stairwells in the path to the final room. Also, bear in mind that there is no such thing, despite what you may think, as a standard doorway. Sure, carpenters and builders shoot for certain sizes, but over time your home may settle, boards may warp, and builders may even take liberties in design. Saying to your salesperson that the furniture will fit because “I have a standard door” is an invitation for problems. Also, nobody consults furniture manufacturers (many of whom are located overseas) on door sizes or hallway widths.
Though your salesperson should be able to help you figure out what will fit, you must bring the right information. Measure the width and height of each doorway as well as the distance to any immediate walls through that doorway. Additionally, if your furniture (including mattresses) needs to go upstairs, measure the distance from the steps to the ceiling above the stairs. If you have a hallway from which you have to make a turn, measure the height in the turn, the width from the corner to the wall, and widths on both sides of the turn. If you keep in mind that there is no such thing as over measuring for furniture, you should be fine.
These measurements will certainly take time, but it is time well spent. With most furniture retailers, your best case scenario is that when it does not fit you will lose your delivery fee. The worst case scenario is that they will say "tough," not take the furniture back, or at least charge you a restocking fee. In other words, save yourself, the salesperson, the store a lot of time, trouble, and money by making sure you have thoroughly measured before going in and even beginning to shop.
KEEP IN MIND: In my experience in the furniture industry, stairwells cause more problems than anything else. Make sure you measure stairs thoroughly.
KEEP IN MIND: The most commonly returned pieces due to “will not fit,” are large headboards (especially king sized), mattresses (the foundation doesn’t bend, remember), large sofas, and dining room sets.
The Furniture Guy
Why Furniture Guy?
Furniture seems to be an endless source of stress for many of you. In particular, the furniture buying experience seems to be a source of high stress, but it should not be. Furniture should be a feel good purchase. It should be about reflecting your taste and your desire for comfort for yourself and for others. Why, then, is it such a dreadful experience for many? In my experience in the industry, it is because consumers are uneducated or mis-educated about furniture, about retail furniture stores, and about what to expect when you walk into a furniture store.
Hopefully, in this space, you will find the information you need to make furniture a source of enjoyment, rather than dread, for you. We will be happy to answer any questions you send in as promptly as possible. Additionally, with our staff's combined experience in the furniture industry (sales, management, and maintenance), we will try to educate you thoroughly about furniture from the bedroom to the living room, from leather to plastic, and from ready to assemble (RTA) furniture to the top of the line brands. We hope we are of some help.
The Furniture Guy Staff
Hopefully, in this space, you will find the information you need to make furniture a source of enjoyment, rather than dread, for you. We will be happy to answer any questions you send in as promptly as possible. Additionally, with our staff's combined experience in the furniture industry (sales, management, and maintenance), we will try to educate you thoroughly about furniture from the bedroom to the living room, from leather to plastic, and from ready to assemble (RTA) furniture to the top of the line brands. We hope we are of some help.
The Furniture Guy Staff
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