Despite the belief of many out there, caring for leather furniture is not all that difficult. It requires only that you maintain somewhat of a routine and that you understand certain characteristics of leather. The following should help you attain both of those.
First of all, with leather furniture, you should understand that there will be some wear. This Patina, which will develop given enough time on even the most heavily treated leather, should be embraced. Much like the again of human skin, it is easier just to accept that it will go through changes. You will see these changes around where the hands, arms, and head touch your furniture the most. Oils from the body create wear by being absorbed into the leather furniture.
Secondly, by simply wiping down your leather furniture with a damp cloth a couple of times a month, then drying it with a soft towel you can save a great deal of wear and tear. This will remove dust and dirt that naturally settle on your leather furniture and can hasten the wear and tear on it as well as speed up the process of breaking down the quality of the leather. Sure, leather creams and treatments are nice, but simply washing off your leather a couple of times a month will do a world of good without costing you a fortune. Additionally, when you dust your home, dust your leather furniture too just for good measure.
Finally, do treat your leather from time to time. Find a lotion or cream you like what will help keep your leather soft. This is particularly important in the drier climates like Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado where there is little moisture in the air to keep the leather soft naturally.
There is not a lot to keeping your leather furniture sound, but cleaning it and treating it regularly should help your leather to last you for years to come.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy