It seems that when it comes to sleeper sofas, many people have no idea what to look for or what to expect when they enter that showroom. As with most types of furniture, though, one of the biggest factors in getting the right sleeper sofa is having the right expectations. Hopefully a little information about sleeper sofas and what you should expect can also help you to find the best one for you.
First of all, if you are looking at sleeper sofas, you should understand that there really is no such thing as a really comfortable one (the bed, not the sofa seat). Sure, we can put men in space, build sports domes, and clone sheep, but the truly comfortable bed from a sofa sleeper still eludes mankind so far as I have found or been told about. At best, you are looking for something that is tolerable for one or two nights. If you are looking for more, you are probably actually looking for a futon.
Secondly, sleeper sofas rarely, if ever, feel the same as their non-sleeper counterparts. Having a bed inside the sofa is undoubtedly going to make it feel different when you sit on it. Your sofa will be more firm, but it may also keep its firmness longer, if that is something you like.
Third, your sleeper sofa is going to be heavy…real heavy. When you get it, you should consider that when thinking about deliver versus pickup of your piece of furniture. Because of the weight, your sleeper sofa may also be difficult to maneuver through doorways and down hallways. Just make sure you keep that in mind as you shop.
When you get to the point where you are looking for a good sleeper sofa, though, there are a few things to look at for quality. First of all, look for something with a decent warranty on the sleeper mechanism as well as the sleeper mattress. Obviously, neither will last like a real bed will, but you should have some insurance of quality from the maker or the retailer. Just make sure you ask.
Finally, try out the beds. When you are the furniture store, check out the sleepers completely. Sit on them closed and lie on the sofa sleepers when they are folded out. Find the one that not only feels the most comfortable (or least uncomfortable as it were), but also the one that seems like it will hold up.
Getting a sleeper sofa does not have to be difficult. You just need to go in knowing what to expect and ready to truly investigate the pieces there on the showfloor.
Hope all of this helps,
The Furniture Guy