There is no doubt about it; sectional sofas can be luxurious, comfortable, and even practical in many situations. There are, though, reasons for furniture buyers to beware of the sectional sofa lure. They can be both inflexible and impractical so that buyers can end up regretting their purchase no matter how nice or “high end” it is.
First of all, there is nothing wrong with sectional sofas in and of themselves. They can offer you a great deal of seating as well as a great setup for home theater entertainment. The only problem is that you really have to be sure of what you want, or at least shop around for something that has some flexibility to it.
Many sectional sofas are limited to only one or two configurations. They end up fitting only in a particular corner or facing a particular direction. If you know your room, have no intention of moving, and have no intention of changing the furniture layout in your room, then you have no worries.
On the other hand, if you ever move or change your room, you could be backed into a corner that will force you to buy new furniture for the room. And who wants to do that? I have seen it happen many times, and in fact I used to actually try to talk customers out of sectionals (despite the nice commission) because I just saw far too many problems.
Fear not, though, you can still have your cake and eat it too. You just have to be vigilant and thorough in your search for the right sectional sofa. Look for something that is flexible. There are many sets out there that are made up of series of square pieces that allow for virtually any configuration. Additionally, you can look for other flexible features that will make your sectional sofa moveable and practical no matter where you live in the future. Just make sure that what you find is also comfortable so that you will love it long term.
Sectional sofas are certainly not bad. They just require that you do even more measuring and planning than you would with a traditional sofa set. If you are in the market for a sectional sofa, watch for online displays that show you the options, talk to your sales consultant at the store, and make sure you take your time. Finding the right sectional sofa can be very exciting, but finding the wrong one can make for a disaster.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy