I think that one of the best ways you can ensure your happiness when it comes to furniture shopping is to remember that it is furniture. There were many times when, as a store manager, I was able to relax an angry customer by saying something to the effect of “sir, just relax. It is only furniture and we will get this taken care of.” I do not say this to belittle the importance you may place on the furnishing of your home, but rather to remind you that furniture is not worth going crazy over. Yes, you spend a lot of money on it, but at the end of the day, worst case scenario, you can get the money back and start over, right?
In that vein, I just wanted to give you a little furniture humor. Check out this site and you will see that furniture is fun, furniture is funny, and furniture need not get your blood pressure up. Keep your cool, enjoy the process, and have faith that errors can be corrected.
Hope this helps
The Furniture Guy