A china cabinet is a big responsibility. I know, that is a weird statement to make, but before you go all out and buy one, consider what you are getting yourself into. When I was selling furniture, I had more china cabinets returned than any other piece of dining room furniture. The reason is that consumers just simply didn’t consider what it meant to have one.
For one, a china cabinet is huge. Even small ones are big, and that means that they are going to take up a lot of space in your dining room. When you measure the room, actually try taping off the area where each piece of your dining set will go. Make sure that with the china cabinet in there that you are going to be able to slide chairs in and out, eat without being crowded, and move without breaking it.
Secondly, a china cabinet has a lot of glass in it. A lot of glass means a lot of cleaning. Have kids? Think fingertips. Have pets? Think nose prints. Have neither? Think dust, dust, and more dust. A china cabinet, while great for keeping your, uh, china, is also great for collecting dust.
Third, a china cabinet is incredibly hard to move. While you may have it delivered initially, what if you decide to rearrange the room or what if you decide to move? Will it have been worth it? Only you know the answer, but make sure you ask yourself that question.
Choosing to get a china cabinet for your formal dining room is a big decision. It is often the most expensive piece in the set. On top of that, it is a lot of responsibility. I’m not telling you not to get one. In fact, I have one myself. I am, though, telling you to be sure you know what you want and what you need before you run out and get it.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy