Because it is so intimate and personal, buying bedroom furniture can be quite an adventure. Your bedroom is, for many, the room to which you can escape. It is a place that will likely really reflect your sense of style and comfort. There are, though, some issues about which you must be aware when buying bedroom furniture. If you go in with the right mindset and a solid understanding of bedroom furniture, then you can certainly have a positive and even enjoyable experience.
First of all, as was mentioned in yesterday's post, make sure you measure. Bedroom furniture is quite possibly not only the largest furniture, but also the least flexible. Because most of it is wood and thus not flexible, there is no room to be off on measurements. Headboards and dressers are particularly troublesome pieces when it comes to fitting through doorways and up stairs.
Secondly, decide what pieces you want in your bedroom. In many furniture stores, you will see displays that show a bed, two night stands, a dresser, mirror, and chest of drawers. You may even find a lingerie chest, armoire, and accent table included in the display as well. Few if any bedrooms (besides the display one) are big enough to accommodate all those pieces. Measure carefully and decide what you really need in your room.
Third, go into the store with some idea of what style you are looking for. Decide if you want a retro, a contemporary, a traditional, a Victorian, or some completely different style in your room. Since many furniture stores carry hundreds of bedroom set options and styles when you take special ordering into account, having an idea of what you are after will allow the sale person to assist you as efficiently and effectively as possible.
Get these three things in order, and you are ready to enter the furniture store. There are, though, still plenty of decisions to be made and ideas to consider when you make that initial visit to the store. Don't worry, we will be there to help you with that part too as we continue to look at bedroom furniture this week.
See you tomorrow,
The Furniture Guy