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DIY Cardboard Furniture - The Definition of Discount Furniture

When I talk about discount furniture, I am usually talking about the Ashley Furniture and Guildcrafts of the world. This, though, when I saw it, struck me as the ultimate in discount furniture. This guy, apparently an architect, has put together blueprints that you can print out for free and use to fold pieces of cardboard into furniture for kids. Per the site itself, this furniture is pretty solid for the tots. So if you aren't sure what to do with the box from your new fridge, you may want to check out these cardboard furniture plans. Also, at, one commenter on this article proposed that someone take these plans and try making adult furniture with sheet metal....not a bad idea, but the truth is that The Furniture Guy is really not prepared to put in that kind of time when I could just buy a $300 sofa that would likely be just as comfy. Anyway, enjoy.....Hope that in some way this helps, The Furniture Guy

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