So I went to check out some of these sofa domain sites. The obvious choice that came up on nearly every search engine was www.thesofasite.com. Problem is that even though there is a great domain there, they don't actually sell any sofas themselves. In fact, it is really just a portal for affiliate websites that do sell sofas. However, they do have a link on there to another site that came up repeatedly (strangely enough, behind The Sofa Site was one that I do like: FunkySofa.com.
First of all, they have a web site that is easy to use. Additionally, it is nice to look at: fun, exciting, and modern. In general, from what I can tell, they mostly manufacture their own product. While this is not always great for prices, they seem to be right on and that does make for good warranty.
That leads me to my other love about Funky Sofa: they are completely transparent about their furniture warranties. In those terms, the big one I like is that they offer a lifetime warranty on the frame. Frankly, after working in the furniture business, I think all furniture stores of size should do this. Frames are generally hardwood anyway, and repair is fairly simple on them. I know we used to offer that warranty even when a manufacturer doesnt simply because it makes customers feel better and it is an easy service to provide if you have the right people.
Additionally, their delivery policies are easy to find on the site and easy to understand. They sections are short and without a bunch of extra legal garbage. They tell you what their pledge is and what the furniture customer's end of the bargain is.
As always, do your own research in addition to what I mention here, but I like what I see and what I read about Funkysofa.com. If nothing else, they have some really cool sofa designs that are worth looking at. Browse and see what you think.
I hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
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