Now that thanks to yesterday’s post, hopefully you know what questions to ask once you find discount furniture that you want to make sure is of good quality. However, there is still that little problem of FINDING the discount furniture in the first place. Today, we can start with just what you can do locally. Online discount furniture is a whole other market, and you may want to look where you can touch and see the furniture in person anyway. Here are a few tips, then, that can help you find not only discount furniture, but also hopefully quality discount furniture.
Check Local Discount Furniture Retailers:
The first place to look is on your TV, in your local paper, and on local websites. Most every major metropolitan market has a variety of discount furniture retailers selling new discount furniture. How, though, do you know who is really a discount retailer? Start off shopping by price, then use your questions and intuition…as well as the Furniture Guy…to determine whether or not they are a quality discount retailer.
Watch your paper, especially during holidays and big weekends, for doorbuster items at local retailers. Doorbusters are a discount furniture retailer staple. They are usually limited availability items that are sold at very low prices. They are often small pieces (hope chests, RTA furniture pieces, and maybe even the occasional small dinette set. The whole point is to put them near the front, advertise them well, price them very low, and get you, the customer, into the store. Where I worked, we usually actually took a loss in profit on doorbusters. That alone is a reason to keep an eye out for them when you need small discount furniture pieces.
Additionally, to make sure you are seeing the right dealers, watch the papers and TV ads to see that the prices really are as low as the screaming guy on the tv says. Compare like items (you don’t always have to compare “apples to apples” if you are going to be looking at the furniture in person since local stores rarely carry the same manufacturers. It is easier to advertise “price matching” that way).
If you are unsure, you can ask around about the experiences people you know have had with local discount furniture stores (in fact, you can use such word of mouth inquiry for all discount furniture hunting you do). Additionally, make a quick call to your local BBB or check their website to make sure there are no glaring problems with the retailer.
Watch Your Local Classifieds for Discount and Used Furniture
Your local paper undoubtedly is loaded with classified ads. Just make it part of your daily routine to check out “for sale” items. You know: sip your coffee, eat your toast, read the sports, and then check out the classifieds. From time to time you will may stumble on a wonderful used piece at a great price.
Used furniture is the ultimate in discount furniture. Used furniture that is local is easy to visit and check out. You can feel it, see it, and check the condition so that you know it is quality discount furniture.
Check the REAL Message Boards
Many supermarkets and big chain retail non-furniture stores have local posting bulletin boards. Watch them for yard sales featuring furniture and individual pieces people are looking to unload. You can get some deeply discounted furniture that way as well!
Check LOCAL Websites
Before we venture into how to find quality discount furniture online, we are talking local. There is, though, always the hybrid of the local website. Do a quick search or keep your “ears open” for local message boards or sites that may offer used items, such as furniture, for sale.
Check out this discount furniture shopping advice from an earlier post!