I have time and time again mentioned how important it is for furniture shoppers to measure before they buy. Furniture can look a lot bigger once you get it out of that massive showroom and into your home. With that in mine, http://www.sweethome3d.com/, has a nice free program that you can download. It allows you to lay out your room and sort of see how it will look. You can avoid overcrowding and other furniture shopper pitfalls by planning with software like this.
The only drawback is that this is not going to tell you whether or not your furniture will fit through the door. Furniture shoppers need to make sure they are paying attention to this type of measuring as well, not just how it will look in the room.
Having said all of that, I know there are a lot of amatuer designer furniture shoppers out there. This piece of software can really help you make those looks come to life. It can also do it without putting you through the nightmare of a furniture return. Trust me, with the policies of many furniture stores out there, furniture shoppers should try to avoid returns at all cost.
Hope this helps,
The Furniture Guy
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